Newborn Circumcision Steps

Circumcision is an easy and safe procedure that can lower the risk of certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including herpes, human papillomavirus (HPV) and HIV.

The Mogen clamp technique involves obtaining consent and local anesthesia, then using straight hemostats to extend the foreskin and expose the glans penis, before locking the Mogen clamp into place.

1. Prepare the Penis

Circumcision Melbourne for newborns typically takes place in hospital. Your infant will be placed in a restraining device to keep them still during the procedure, and then their healthcare provider will clean out and clamp their penis securely with plastic clamps …

Benefits of a Slab Foundation

A slab foundation may be cheaper to build since fewer construction materials are required for construction. Furthermore, contractors don’t need to wait around for concrete in crawl spaces or basements to set.


Slab foundations tend to be less costly to construct than other home foundations due to not needing floor joists, which can add significantly to construction costs. Furthermore, slabs are usually made out of poured concrete which is often more economical.

slab foundations offer another benefit in that they eliminate crawl spaces, thus lowering the risk of mold growth and pest infestations in those without crawl spaces – …